Strawberry Lemon Aid

What better than some fresh lemon aid to replace that unhealthy soda? Well here is the recipe to one of my favorite hydrating drinks.

Now, I’m not big on drinking sugar, I take all my drinks “sugar free” but I recently discovered this little miracle called beat rock sugar also known as German Rock Sugar. It is an unrefined sugar, different from other sugars because it does not interfere with the drink’s flavor, it just brightens it up. It only has 25 calories per teaspoon too!


So, you will need:

  1. 1 tsp of rock sugar
  2. 1 large yellow lemon
  3. 2 strawberries
  4. 2 cups water
  5. crushed ice

What to do:

Squeeze the lemon into the jar or pitcher, cut up the strawberries and place them in the lemon juice (this will get the strawberries flavor to start mixing with the lemon!) Add the sugar and let it all sit for 5 minutes. Add ice and water and let it all sit for another 5 minutes. (the longer you let the mixture sit, the more strawberry flavor you will get) I usually take a while to finish such a big glass of liquid, so it’s nice to have the flavor change as I sip on it while I answer emails or clean my messy room. : )



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